Lecturers,Symposiums, etc

Name MIZUTA Takuro

Seq No


Presentation Title

How Can We Play Together? Improvising as a Way to Establish a Relationship Between Artists 

Single/Joint Presentation


Name of Event

The 3rd Symposium for Media Art “Formation of Culture in the Post-Internet Era: Creation, Production and Network”          


ICC Intercommunication Center Tokyo




Since the internet has become an everyday part of our lives, creative practices have prompted the formation of alternative scenes and joint creative processes through the fusing of varying expertise and fields by individuals connecting with each other through social media, namely among the next generation of artist who use media technology. Here we get a glimpse of cultural development through new ideas and creative methods that utilize digital technology and influences that transcend borders.

In this symposium, we examine these processes of forming culture through three sequential themes: creation, production, and network. How are creative practices changing in the present-day internet society, and what needs arise in the cultural environment that supports these practices? We will introduce artists who use the medium of internet in their work, as well as the work of directors and curators who help produce these new creative formats, and the work of editors who advance media development in Asia, to think about how culture will be shaped from now on.

Based in Europe and Asia, dj sniff  has established himself as a prolific artist in experimental, improvised, and electronic music with turntables and his own original instruments, while also working as a curator for music projects in and outside Japan. He has pursued a collaborative approach through organizing a festival with other Asian artists, seeking out the new kinds of music that emerge when musicians and audiences with di erent contexts and languages come together.